Managerial Ability and Financial Reporting Timeliness: A Further Evidence of the Audit Firm Size


  • Bahareh Faezi Department of Accounting, Ayandegan Institute of Higher Education, Tonekabon, Iran
  • Aida Bagherzadeh
  • Nima Kaveie



Management ability, Timeliness, Financial reporting


The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between Managerial Ability and the timeliness of financial reporting. Linear regression was used to test the two study hypotheses. The statistical population consisted of 115 companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange during the years 2013-2022 (1150 firm-year observations). Delay in auditor reporting is a variable for timely financial reporting. The model proposed by [1] was used to assess managerial ability. The study found a significant and positive relationship between managerial ability and timely financial reporting. In other words, as managerial ability increases, the delay in financial reporting decreases. Furthermore, the results indicate that the size of the audit firm moderates the relationship between these two variables.


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How to Cite

Managerial Ability and Financial Reporting Timeliness: A Further Evidence of the Audit Firm Size. (2024). Accounting and Auditing With Applications , 1(2), 74-82.

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