The Relationship between Geographic Diversification and Bank Lending



Investigating the relationship between geographic diversity and bank lending is a question that banks always face and is one of the essential daily issues they must answer. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the relationship between geographic diversity and bank lending. This research was conducted from 2012 to 2019 on 15 sample banks listed in the Tehran Stock Exchange, which were selected using a systematic method. This study estimates the model using the panel data method. The results indicate a relationship between geographical diversity and bank lending, and there is no relationship between geographical diversity and bank lending despite the currency crisis.


Geographic diversification, Bank lending, Currency crisis


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How to Cite

Kaviani, M. ., Jafari, M. ., & Kaviani, K. . (2024). The Relationship between Geographic Diversification and Bank Lending. Accounting and Auditing With Applications , 1(4), 224-230.