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Benedetta Siboni

Benedetta Siboni is an Associate professor of Business Administration and Accounting studies at the University of Bologna, Italy. She authored more than 100 publications, including papers published by the most relevant accounting journals, and edited five special issues on the topics of public value, sustainability, and gender accounting, knowledge-intensive organisations, and not for profit organisations. She participates in the Editorial Board of scientific international journals, including Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, Meditari Accountancy Research, and Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management, and in a Scientific Book Series in accounting (Collana SUMMA ECONOMICA. Studi e Ricerche Economico-Aziendali, RIREA). She organised several Conference in the roles of member of Conference Scientific Committee and/or Organising Committee, including: “Misurare Il Valore creato dalle organizzazioni non profit”, UNICAL, 2018; “SIDREA International Workshop (SIW) Meditari Accountancy Research European Conference and Doctoral Colloquium 2015”, UNIBO, 2015; “1st International Conference on Sustainable Management of Public and Not For Profit Organisations (SMOG)”, UNIBO, 2009; PLOTINA Final Conference “Regendering science. For an inclusive research environment”, UNIBO, 2020; “Convegno di commemorazione dei 500 anni dalla scomparsa di Fra’ Luca Pacioli”, Cesena, 2017.

At the University of Bologna she chaired the Guarantee Committee for equal opportunities, workers' well-being, and non-discrimination at work (CUG) (mandate Nov. 2017/2021) and for several years had been a member of the Committees for the Gender Report, for SDGs Reporting, and for Sustainability and Social Reports. Moreover, she participated in the University of Bologna’s Committees in charge of drafting the following documents: revised version of Regulations for the establishment and functioning of the CUG (edition 2021); Gender Equality Plans (GEP, ed. 2021/2024 and 2016/20220); Guidelines for the promotion of equal opportunities and gender balance in events and in the composition of working groups and committees of the University of Bologna (ed. 2021); Alias career guidelines for the teaching and student component (ed. 2021); Guidelines for the visibility of gender in the institutional communication of the University of Bologna (ed. 2020). Moreover, she was a member of the Group in charge for carrying out the analysis of aspects relating to the issue of work-related stress risk, within the working context of the University, whose work-related stress risk assessment document drawn up under TU 81/08 (2018/2020).

She was a member of “Promoting gender balance and inclusion in research, innovation and training (Plotina)”, HORIZON 2020, Grant Agreement: 666008 (Feb. 2016-Jan. 2020). She participated in several Committees of Experts and/or Scientific Committee for organizations including the one of Foundation of Chartered Accountants of Forli'-Cesena (2017/2020), the one that edited the Guidelines on Gender Language in the University appointed by Italian Conference of University Rectors (2018), and the one that drafted the Guidelines for Social Reporting in Local Government, appointed by the Observatory for the finance and accounting of local authorities (Italian Ministry of Interior) (2006-2007).

She holds a Degree on Economics and Commerce, PhD in Accounting earned in 2006 at the University of Pisa (Italy), and was a Visiting Scholar at Royal Holloway University of London, UK (Sept. 2008/Feb. 2009) to develop the research project "Sustainability reporting by UK Local Governement" under the supervision of prof. Gloria Agyemang.



·     Certificated of the Distinguished Reviewer 2020, for the Journal Corporate Ownership & Control

·     Top Reviewer for UNIBO (Award category: Economics, Econometrics and Finance)”, Publons, 2017

·     Meditari Accountancy Research - Emerald Highly Commended Papers Award for “Positive Action Plans in Italian Universities: does Gender really Matter?” (by G. Galizzi and B. Siboni), presente at Meditari Accountancy Research European Conference, University of Bologna – Forlì Campus, 2015

·     Best Paper Award for “Lo sviluppo sostenibile in ottica strategica: un’analisi delle pratiche negli enti locali”, (by L. Mazzara, B. Siboni, D. Sangiorgi), presented at IV Workshop Nazionale di Azienda Pubblica, Rome, 2010

·     “Enrico Gualandi” PhD Tesis Award (I edition, 2009), given by Legautonomie and Municipality of Imola, in cooperation with SVIMAP and ANCREL



 Member of Supervision Commitee for several editions of Social Reports, Sustainable Reports, Gender Reports, and company climate surveys, for public and private organisations, including: Academia Italiana di Economia aziendale (AIDEA); UNIBO ; Order of chartered accountants and accounting experts (ODCEC) Forlì; Livia Tellus Holding Romagna ; Forlifarma S.p.A. ; Romagna Acque – Società delle Fonti S.p.A. ; Casa di Riposo “Pietro Zangheri” Forlì ; CPL Concordia ; Casa delle Donne Bologna ; Techne Scarl ; Provincia di Forlì-Cesena ; Comune di Forlì ; Comune di Pesaro ; Comune di San Giovanni in Persiceto ; Istitutor Ortopedico Rizzoli ; AUSL Bologna ; Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria « Sant’Orsola » Bologna.

 2020/2021 : Member Scientific Expertise of “Romagna Next” fist laboratory for the creation of the Strategic Plan of the Vast Romagna Area, commissioned by ANCI, financed by PON Governance 2014/2020 call

 2021/2022: Supervisor for mapping youth aggregations at the project “Fermenti in Comune. HUB@FO project. The young protagonists for the relaunch of Forlì", financed by Presidency of the Council of Ministers - Department for youth policies and universal civil service at the Municipality of Forlì

 2020/2021: Member of HeraLAB Committee for the Province of Forlì-Cesena, an activity of community engagement established by HERA SpA

 2022/2023: Coordinator for the Investigation of perceptions and prospects for the evolution of the accounting profession among members of the by the Order of chartered accountants and accounting experts (ODCEC) Forlì

 2022 and 2016: President of the Commission for the Examination of Chartered Accountants, Accounting Expert and Statutory Auditor at UNIBO – Forlì Section

 2019/2021 : Direction of the Scientific Commitee for the project «Restituiamo tempo alle famiglie: promozione della cultura della parità di genere e misure concrete volte al recupero di tempo per la genitorialità ”, financed by the Emilia-Romagna Region to the lead body Province of Forlì-Cesena, incluing the coordination of four working tables for the engagement of public bodies and business entities: Public Bodies ; Craftsmanship and Trade ; Cooperation and Non-Profit ; Small and Medium Enterprises.

 2017/2019 - Member of the Evaluation Body of the Municipality of Forlì

 2015/2016 - Member of the Board of the Livio and Maria Garzanti Onlus Foundation of Forlì.


Scientific direction of research grants:

  • Jan. 2022/Dec. 2023: Tutor of the Research Grant «A performance measurement system to the health care and research outputs for evaluating IRCCSs», DiSA ;
  • 2020/2022: Tutor of the Research Grant «Analisi delle determinanti del valore pubblico nelle KIPOs erogatrici di servizi sanitari», DiSA ;
  • 2016/2018: Tutor of the Research Grant «La misurazione e il reporting aziendale degli aspetti legati alla sostenibilità, al genere e al capitale intellettuale», DiSA;
  • 2017/2019 : Member of the Scientific Commitee (together with M.T. Nardo) “La misurazione dell’impatto e del valore sociale nelle organizzazioni non profit: metodologie di sperimentazione applicate alle realtà. L’esperienza della provincia di Cosenza” financied by CSV Cosenza to Unical;
  • 2016/2017 : Member of the Scientific Commitee (together with J. Guthrie) “Strumenti e metodi per la gestione e misurazione del capitale intellettuale per lo sviluppo delle aziende”, financed by Call IMPRENDI of Fondazione Cassa dei Risparmi di Forlì;
  • Principal investigator (since Apr. 2018 to 2020) of «La misurazione del valore pubblico nelle università», financed by AlmaIdea-Linea Senior di Unibo

Evaluator/Reviewer for:

  • VQR 2015-19 - the Italian National Assessment Excercise of the Quality of Research (2021)
  • CINECA, Call for postdoc position (2017)
  • 18 Scientific Journals, performing more than 60 review




  • Liccardo, Antonella; Borelli, Silvia; Canali, Claudia; D’Onghia, Madia; Damiani, Mirella; Di Letizia, Cristina; Gianecchini, Martina; Oppi, Chiara; Pisanti, Nadia; Rosselli, Annalisa; Siboni, Benedetta; Tomio, Patrizia, Linee guida per il Bilancio di Genere negli Atenei italiani, Fondazione CRUI, Roma, 2019 [Technical Report]
  • Ricci, Paolo; Nardo, Maria Teresa; Siboni, Benedetta (Eds.), Prime riflessioni sulla misurazione degli impatti nelle organizzazioni non profit: tra teorie e pratiche territoriali, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2020 [Edited Book]
  • Siboni, Benedetta, Exploring Sustainability Accounting and Management in Higher Educational Institutions” della rivista Sustainability, «SUSTAINABILITY» [Edited Journal Special Issue]
  • Adhikariparajuli, Mahalaxmi; Hassan, Abeer; Siboni, Benedetta, CSR Implication and Disclosure in Higher Education: Uncovered Points. Results from a Systematic Literature Review and Agenda for Future Research, «SUSTAINABILITY», 2021, 13, 2, pp. 1-23 [Scientific article]
  • Siboni, Benedetta; Rignanese, Pasqua, Analysis of the corporate practices for promoting sustainability and good relations in the workplace, in Monica Fantini; Stefano Farolfi; Fabio Lazzari; Luca Mazzara (Eds.), Buon Vivere (God Living) as Relationship Economy, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2022, pp. 115-134 [Book Chapter]
  • Marco, Musella; Paolo, Ricci; Siboni, Benedetta (Eds.) “Il valore nel terzo settore: un dibattito interdisciplinare in corso”, «WELFARE E EROGONOMIA», 2022 [Edited Journal Special Issue]
  • Nardo, Maria Teresa, Siboni, Benedetta, Tarquinio, Lara (Eds.), Sustainability Management and Accounting Practices in the Public Sector, «ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES», 2022, [Edited Journal Special Issue]
  • Siboni, Benedetta; Canestrini, Paola, "Public Value of Italian Health Institutes for Sustainable Development – An Analysis Before and After COVID-19", Gnan, L.Hinna, A.Monteduro, F. and Allegrini, V. (Ed.) Reshaping Performance Management for Sustainable Development (Studies in Public and Non-Profit Governance, Vol. 8), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, 2023, pp. 111-138.  [Book Chapter]
  • Galizzi, Giovanna; McBride, Karen; Siboni, Benedetta, Patriarchy persists: Experiences of barriers to women's career progression in Italian accounting academia, «CRITICAL PERSPECTIVES ON ACCOUNTING», IN PRESS, online first Available online since 11 June 2023, [Scientific article]